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“Honored by the Monmouth County Bar Association, voted Family Law Attorney of the Year”

Have You and Your Partner Separated?
A Collective Approach to Family Law and Therapy in New Jersey
Legal Separation in New Jersey
Trusted Divorce Attorney in Monmouth County
Are you considering filing for divorce? You should speak to a knowledgeable Monmouth County divorce attorney before making any firm decisions. If you have concerns about divorce, you may benefit from a legal separation in which you remain married legally but otherwise live apart.
Most attorneys will advise that in general, you should not separate unless there is some written agreement relative to children and support arrangements, at least on an interim basis. If you are planning on separating, you should obtain legal advice before taking that step.
Our firm has more than 50 years of experience in assisting separating parties develop agreements that protect their interests. We fully understands the ins and outs of divorce and family law in New Jersey and consistently provides the impartial, third party advice that you need.
What is a separation agreement?
A separation agreement signed by both parties, especially with legal advice, can be filed with the court so as to become an order of the court, enforceable by the court to the same extent as though there were a trial.
Such an agreement needs to contain the following terms:
Child support payments
Spousal support payments
Medical bill payments
Who will pay property taxes
Who will pay car-related payments
Who will prepare tax returns
Maintenance of health insurance for the family
Think of the separation agreement as a Band-Aid agreement designed to stabilize the family temporarily and over the short term. Separation agreements include decisions setting payment of monthly living expenses and access to children.
Experienced & Respected New Jersey Divorce Attorney
At the Law Office of August J. Landi, you have access to highly-seasoned Monmouth County divorce lawyer who understands your needs and can help you make the best decision for your unique situation. You owe it to yourself to obtain informed counsel if you are considering a separation and need assistance with the process.
We Have Decades Years Of Experience
We've Handled 2,500+ Divorce Cases
We provides Free Case Consultations
We Offer Evening and Weekend Appointments Upon Request
We Prioritize The Well-Being Of Our Clients
We Provide Cost-Efficient Legal Fees Including Flat Rates For Services